Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Another blog about Milk Thistle Powder

Milk Thistle Powder ReviewsOrganic Liquid Fertiliser - 250ml


There are a variety of dangers associated with the consumption of high levels of fish oils. Increased bleeding time may create risks for cerebral vascular accident and epistaxis (nose bleed).12,13 Fish oils have recently been shown to increase LDL levels and thus potentially predispose to cardiovascular disease rather than prevent it.14 Depletion of body reserves of vitamin E used to stabilize these highly reactive oil molecules (potential steatitis, yellow fat disease, may result but is prevented with vitamin E supplementation -- the dose required being up to six times normal levels), free radical and peroxide generation from the spontaneous degradation of these oils, and over-consumption of heavy metals (mercury etc.) and chlorinated hydrocarbons or toxins which may concentrate in fish oils.15,16Since fish are higher on the food chain than plant sources of omega-3, the risk of toxin concentration is of course greater. Although linolenic acid is believed to be approximately 1/5 as effective in some therapies as EPA derived directly from fish oil (since it must go through enzymatic steps to convert to EPA), many would argue that this is the preferred source of omega-3 fatty acids since this dietary source could simply permit the body to regulate its own requirement for EPA. 17,18
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Organic Liquid Fertiliser - 250ml

Bladder and Urinary Tract Health

Four Steps that Prove Women's Health Can Improve With Age

In our society, we're constantly bombarded with images and messages that tell us that the process of aging is rife with negatives - that our health and beauty deteriorate, that our mental health is in peril, and that we're basically in a downward spiral until we die. Despite these messages, people are living longer than ever before, both in terms of the number of years we live and the quality of our lives. The truth is, there is such a thing as healthy aging, and women's health can improve with age.

There's no doubt that any number of factors can work against our goal of healthy aging. Genetics certainly play a part in the way we age, but only about a third of the aging process is attributable to our genes. The rest is completely within our control.
View this websit fo...
Bladder and Urinary Tract Health


Sun, 30 Mar 2008 15:00:54 EDT
Each powder is put into a 4oz HDPE container, Heat Sealed, then labeled with dosing based off 1/4 tsp....

Milk Thistle PowderA Surefire Way To Manage Your Fears While Leading A Happier, Healthier Life

Imagine discovering a way to get rid of your fears in a
quick and painless manner. In fact it can even become fun!

Did you know only two of all the fears you have are innate:
The fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. Most of
your fears were learned in early childhood and then in later
life under stressful conditions.

Traditional therapeutic approaches would probably have you
trying to figure out where your fear originally came from.
Maybe they'd have you digging around in your childhood
memories, recalling times you ate the next-door neighbours
purple Tulips. This type of approach tends to associate the
client into reliving unpleasantness and can take a long time
to achieve useful results. Personally I think this style is
way out of date and bordering on torture.

You'll probably be glad to know we're not going to be doing
anything like that. The truth is you can easily and quickly
undo the learnings that created specific fears and change
your responses to something much more useful.

So just how do fearful feelings occur then? Well lets use a
common example: Fred wants a raise and he's been wanting to
ask his boss for months. Finally he decides to go and ask.
BUT when he starts the walk down the corridor he starts to
feel certain sensations in his body. Weird stomach feelings.
His breathing is constricted. Slight sweating on parts of
his body. His vision is effected. Fred decides to turn back
and then sits down feeling slightly annoyed with himself.

His body started producing 'fear chemicals.' What happened?

Well it was because he defied his Dad one time when he was
four. Let's explore those forgotten memories....

NO! NO! NO! Let's do something much smarter and definitely
more fun.

Hey Fred come over here I want to show you something really
cool! O' come on, pick your lip up.

You know how before you got up to go and ask the boss for a
raise, you felt OK right? So between the time you got up and
started walking something happened. Something triggered
those feelings in you. Here's a fact for you: You either
made a picture in your head or talked to yourself in a way
that created those fearful sensations and that happened at
an unconscious level out of your awareness.

OK Colin that might be true but so what, what's your

Well the point is by changing the internal sounds, pictures
and voices in your head you can begin to gain control of
your emotions.

Fair enough but how can I do that so when I'm in a similar
situation I automatically make useful pictures, sounds and
voices in my head so I remain in a resourceful state?

Good question, here's just one way you can achieve the
results you want using a simple and powerful tool from the
field of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

=== Soothing Movie Music ===

1.Think of a situation where you feel fear.

2.Dissociate: See yourself in the situation like you would a
movie with you in it.

3.Imagine running the memory from the END of the fearful
situation, BACKWARDS to the START. Do this very fast in less
then 1 second!

4.Think of some music that makes you feel the opposite of
fear. For example soothing classical music makes you feel
relaxed. Perhaps certain rock or dance music makes you feel
energised/courageous etc.

5.Now hear the music, nice and loud, inside your mind whilst
looking at yourself going through the situation from START
to END.

6.Break state. Now think of the situation you choose in Step
1 and notice how your fearful feelings have diminished.

7.What will you see or hear just before you want this new
feeling to set in?

Get Your FREE NLP eBook!

It's a Five Chapter eBook revealing powerful secrets to
boost your self-esteem, increase your confidence and much

** Attention Ezine editors / Site owners **

You have permission to publish this article electronically
or in print, free of charge, as long as the resource box
above is included.

Feel free to substitute your affiliate link in place of my
link in the resource box.

Earn 50% on every purchaser you refer!

If you do use the material please send me a note so I can
take a look. Thanks.
quick and painless manner. In fact it can even become fun!

Did you know only two of all the fears you have are innate:
The fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. Most of
your fears were learned in early childhood and then in later
life under stressful conditions.

Traditional therapeutic approaches would probably have you
trying to figure out where your fear originally came from.
Maybe they'd have you digging around in your childhood
memories, recalling times you ate the next-door neighbours
purple Tulips. This type of approach tends to associate the
client into reliving unpleasantness and can take a long time
to achieve useful results. Personally I think this style is
way out of date and bordering on torture.

You'll probably be glad to know we're not going to be doing
anything like that. The truth is you can easily and quickly
undo the learnings that created specific fears and change
your responses to something much more useful.

So just how do fearful feelings occur then? Well lets use a
common example: Fred wants a raise and he's been wanting to
ask his boss for months. Finally he decides to go and ask.
BUT when he starts the walk down the corridor he starts to
feel certain sensations in his body. Weird stomach feelings.
His breathing is constricted. Slight sweating on parts of
his body. His vision is effected. Fred decides to turn back
and then sits down feeling slightly annoyed with himself.

His body started producing 'fear chemicals.' What happened?

Well it was because he defied his Dad one time when he was
four. Let's explore those forgotten memories....

NO! NO! NO! Let's do something much smarter and definitely
more fun.

Hey Fred come over here I want to show you something really
cool! O' come on, pick your lip up.

You know how before you got up to go and ask the boss for a
raise, you felt OK right? So between the time you got up and
started walking something happened. Something triggered
those feelings in you. Here's a fact for you: You either
made a picture in your head or talked to yourself in a way
that created those fearful sensations and that happened at
an unconscious level out of your awareness.

OK Colin that might be true but so what, what's your

Well the point is by changing the internal sounds, pictures
and voices in your head you can begin to gain control of
your emotions.

Fair enough but how can I do that so when I'm in a similar
situation I automatically make useful pictures, sounds and
voices in my head so I remain in a resourceful state?

Good question, here's just one way you can achieve the
results you want using a simple and powerful tool from the
field of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

=== Soothing Movie Music ===

1.Think of a situation where you feel fear.

2.Dissociate: See yourself in the situation like you would a
movie with you in it.

3.Imagine running the memory from the END of the fearful
situation, BACKWARDS to the START. Do this very fast in less
then 1 second!

4.Think of some music that makes you feel the opposite of
fear. For example soothing classical music makes you feel
relaxed. Perhaps certain rock or dance music makes you feel
energised/courageous etc.

5.Now hear the music, nice and loud, inside your mind whilst
looking at yourself going through the situation from START
to END.

6.Break state. Now think of the situation you choose in Step
1 and notice how your fearful feelings have diminished.

7.What will you see or hear just before you want this new
feeling to set in?

Get Your FREE NLP eBook!

It's a Five Chapter eBook revealing powerful secrets to
boost your self-esteem, increase your confidence and much

** Attention Ezine editors / Site owners **

You have permission to publish this article electronically
or in print, free of charge, as long as the resource box
above is included.

Feel free to substitute your affiliate link in place of my
link in the resource box.

Earn 50% on every purchaser you refer!

If you do use the material please send me a note so I can
take a look. Thanks.


Colin G Smith is a licensed Master Practitioner of Neuro-
Linguistic Programming (NLP) and author of 'The NLP
ToolBox', a personal development book that enables the
reader to master any area of their life with amazing speed.
Complete information on Colin G Smith's books are available
at his website, including a FREE personal development eBook.


A blog about Ecozone Washing Balls

General HealthHow To Prepare a Raw Food Diet

Going raw don't sound that bad at all. The raw diet, as its name implies, is based on eating all-natural foods that are unprocessed and plant-based that should least be 75 percent uncooked. Raw and living foods contain essential food enzymes - raw nuts, fruits, and various varieties of beans are just few examples of raw food. It is believed that these enzymes help us digest foods completely, without relying on our body to produce its own cocktail of digestive enzymes.

Followers of the raw diet use particular techniques like sprouting seeds, grains and beans; soaking nuts and dried fruits; and juicing
fruits and vegetables. A dehydrator is the only cooking equipment allowed for use. This equipment blows hot air through the food but never reaches a temperature higher than 116?F. Other techniques needed to prepare raw food are blending, juicing and chopping.

So if you are thinking of following this all-natural diet, here are a few tips to follow.

1. Planning Meals: It takes careful planning to follow a raw food diet, balance your meals and don't miss out on essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. To make up for the nutrients that you can't get from raw food, it is suggested that you take dietary supplements.

2. Equipment Needed: Invest in some appliances to maximize the benefits of the raw diet.

* Juice extractor: for your fruits and vegetables
* Blender: to crush and blend ingredients
* Food processor: to save time and effort with chopping vegetables or nuts.
* Large containers: for soaking the sprout grains, seeds and beans
* Glass jars or Tupperware: for storing sprouts and other foods

It is thought that the cooking process destroys vitamins and minerals and that cooked foods not only take longer to digest, but they also allow partially digested fats, proteins and carbohydrates to clog up our gut and arteries.
Followers of a raw diet cite numerous health benefits, including increased energy levels, improved appearance of skin, improved digestion, and weight loss. Clearly a raw food diet has many benefits.

About the Author

Callie Armstrong is a writer for Her insights on dieting, exercise and health can be read at

Ecozone Washing BallsBest green laundry detergents -

Thu, 27 Mar 2008 10:08:28 GMT

Best green laundry detergents, UK - Mar 27, 2008
However, despite numerous phone calls and emails, Ecozone has not given us any information on what exactly the balls are made from, how green -- or ...

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