Friday, April 04, 2008

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Health and NutritionDiet for Kids

Let's get this straight, kids should not diet! They should play, burn calories and replenish them with good nutrition. It's only when children eat too many sugars (and too many calories) and then do not burn them that things start to go wrong. As a parent, there are many things you can do to improve the eating habits of your children, and breakfast is a good place to begin.

Cereals are too sweet to be true. Very few breakfast cereals are actually sugar free. Almost all of them contain large quantities of sugar. Be sure to read the labels when shopping for cereals, and opt for products high in fiber (at least 6 to 8 grams fiber per serving) and low in sugar (less than 20 grams sugar per serving). Good alternatives include oatmeal or sugar-free corn flakes.

Read the labels on cereals and look for the ones that are high in fiber and low in sugar. Encourage them to sweeten their cereal with fruit such as sliced banana, apple, pear, or a few raisins instead of sprinkling sugar. The best snack option for a child is a fruit. You should always have a mountain of fresh, appealing fruit at home for them to nibble whenever they feel hungry. Send them to school with some fruit rather than money for buying junk food.

Another good habit to develop in your children is eating vegetables with each meal and, as a rule, eating something raw. Many children eat too few vegetables. The trick is to prepare vegetables in a tasty way that tempts your child. Use different types of flavorings, seasonings and dressings to make a vegetable dish more palatable. Don't overcook vegetables because it robs them of important nutrients. Raw carrots are usually a favorite with children as are peas and either mashed or baked potatoes. It's best if you can help your child get used to eating potatoes with the skin intact; it's much healthier. Serve something raw with each meal- such as carrots, cabbage or tomatoes helps children develop a taste for salad foods.

Protein intake is very important for growing children. Protein can be derived from meat, chicken, eggs, fish, and sprouts. For active children, and children entering adolescence, parents might want to consider a protein supplement, especially if the child is a pure vegetarian, and /or eats too many junk foods. You should ask your pediatrician and/or a nutritionist about whether this is appropriate. There are many protein supplements on the market so, if you are going to add them to your child's diet, ask someone knowledgeable about which are best.

Now that many experts have raised awareness of what's lacking in many children's diets, caring parents are looking for solutions. Here's what we know about some of the nutritional imbalances affecting many children.

Sugar imbalance Deficiency of vitamins, minerals, often zinc, B12 and niacin Deficiency of essential fatty acids (such as fish oil) Consult your physician to recommend a good, chewable multivitamin and mineral formula designed for children. Children need all the nutrients but especially: Vitamin A to help resist infection Vitamin D to aid calcium absorption Vitamins B and C for brain development Zinc to assist growth Plus chromium, selenium, magnesium and manganese. Check that all of these are present in a multivitamin formulation for children, especially zinc. For younger children, some doctors suggest liquid vitamins with droppers. Supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) have been found to be associated with higher problem solving abilities in kids.

As a parent, it's time for you to take the initiative for your child. You can take the first step by insisting on some good habits. Teach them to eat during designated meal and snack times. For example, don't let them get into the habit of eating in front of the television, or eating freely all day and all night long.

So start building the foundation for a lifetime of good food and fitness habits in your children. Although you can expect some complaining in the short term, you'll be glad you did it and so will your kids.

For more information about these exercises and to get free full color exercise routines, diet plans and grocery lists, visit Best Weight Loss Programs and Toning For Women. You can train with Nitin at the Phone Fitness Trainer website

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Herbal AphrodisiacsHow To Get Affordable Health Insurance For Kids

If you?re looking for affordable health insurance for your kids, look no further. The National Association of Social Workers may have just the solutions you?re looking for.

According to the National Association of Social Workers, too many kids are left without proper health insurance because their parents either don?t know about the options out there for their kids or they believe that purchasing health insurance for their kids will be too expensive. However, to date ?a new nationwide health insurance program is beginning,? which means families who work, but still can?t afford adequate and affordable health insurance for their kids, will be able to get health insurance for free or at a low cost.

Also to date, a Children?s Health Insurance Program is being designed in each State throughout America to help make health insurance for kids even more affordable; this is also thanks to the National Association of Social Workers. For the time being, most children from low income families qualify for Medicaid for free.

Obviously the National Association of Social Workers has been hard at work making sure your kids can get the affordable health insurance they need. Remember, just because you aren?t able to find work that offers health insurance benefits for you or your children doesn?t mean you are failing your children in anyway. You just have to take those extra steps to find out what?s out there for your kids and how you can obtain it for them.

If you are having a difficult time getting your kids the adequate and affordable health insurance they need, you are not alone, and the National Association of Social Workers is working to make sure you, and no one else, has to be in these situations again.

To get free quotes and learn more about insurance please visit the following
recommended sites.

About the Author:

How to Get Affordable Health Insurance for Kids How to make self employed health insurance affordable

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