Cannabis factory raids help school's garden project - Peterborough Evening TelegraphMon, 28 Apr 2008 06:56:00 GMT
THE boys in blue have hit on green solutions for dealing with equipment and compost seized in a string of raids on cannabis-growing "factories" in the city. Police have had great ...
40 - Etsy Seller: LoretoSun, 27 Apr 2008 21:52:38 EDT
We only use natural materials in our handknits such as soy, hemp and wool. ... Our perfume blends contain 90% pure essential oils with 10% fragrance oils in a jojoba oil or alcohol base....
Week Three - the story continuesSun, 27 Apr 2008 07:12:49 EDT
... and it has to be oil based because that's what's on there and that's what they always have used!!...
‘Medical’ marijuana is snake oil remedy - Duluth News TribuneSun, 27 Apr 2008 02:28:08 GMT
‘Medical’ marijuana is snake oil remedyDuluth News Tribune, MN - Apr 26, 2008Jeanette McDougal of Osceola, Ark., is a retired violence and drug abuse prevention teacher in St. Paul Public Schools, chairwoman of the Hemp Committee of ... |
Reviews of Hemp OilFlaxseed
When an acupuncturist inserts needles into acupuncture points in the ear endorphins are released throughout the body. These chemicals and hormones produce a feel good factor and a sense of well being to the patient. Basically auricular acupuncture is extremely good for treating certain conditions.
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You'd want to workout a muscle group, with good intensity every 5 to 7 days.
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HealingWeight Loss Tip : Treat yourself like a Child
6 keys to losing weight permanently by treating yourself like a precious child.
Whenever you feel your motivation slipping give yourself a boost by treating yourself like a precious child.
1. Talk to yourself kindly
You encourage your children to do their best and to have another go when they fail. You don't say "Might as well give up then, you're useless at this. You'll never succeed". If they're learning something new, you encourage them to keep practising until it becomes second nature. Give yourself the same wise words when you're trying to lose weight! You can do this! You really can!
2. Nourish yourself
Would you let a child stand at the fridge wolfing down a whole tub of cookie dough ice cream? Would you let them ask for a chocolate biscuit and then eat the packet empty? Why not? You know what's good for them, that's why not!
Parents who care for their children don't feed them a lot of junk food, coffee, wine and cigarettes. Aside from the legalities of it all, they want their children to grow up healthy, fit and strong. Why would you want any less for your own health?
Give yourself the very best nourishment you can. Eat lean meat, fish, healthy carbs and vegetables and allow yourself the odd treat. Don't spoil your appetite for healthy meals by eating unhealthy snacks all day - give junk food the thumbs down.
3. Play
Children's bodies cry out for physical activity so we take our children out and give them lots of active play. But what are we doing for ourselves while we are running around chauffeuring them from one thing to the next? Are we just complaining we haven't got time to exercise? Carve some time out of your schedule every day to do something active, even if it's just a 10-minute walk at lunchtime. No child deserves to be cooped up all day and neither do you. You can't expect to perform at your peak if you only ever move between your desk and the coffee machine or the sofa and the fridge.
4. Stick with It long term
When you have a child, you're in it for the long haul. You're not here one day and gone the next. You commit to taking responsibility for the child's welfare at least until they grow up and probably for long after that. So why should it be any different where your own health and welfare is concerned? You deserve long term care, not a two-week crash diet "that's all I'm giving it" before going back to abusing your body. Make a commitment to care for your health forever.
5. Be Consistent
You care for a precious child day in day out. You don't give the child lots of love and care on Monday only to neglect him or her by Friday. That's exactly how you treat yourself when you start a new diet every other week. You need to be consistent in treating yourself well to get great results.
6. Make it routine
Children thrive on routine. Despite their protests they love the security of knowing the rules of the house and someone caring whether they keep to them or not. They like order and certainty about how things are done.
Adults are no different. Everyone is a creature of habit to some extent.
When we have good habits we eat healthily and move our bodies without thinking about it. And we reach our weight loss and fitness goals as a result of following our habits - almost automatically.
If you don't have a good routine, like any child you need some discipline to keep to the habits which are for your benefit in the long term. But after a while you will find you settle into your new routines without a fuss - after all they feel so natural and they're doing you good.
It takes just 21 days of consistent practise to form a new habit. So start today and create a slim, healthy and fit new you one habit at a time.
Copyright 2005
, Janice Elizabeth Small
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