Saturday, September 20, 2008

Gelatinised Maca Capsules for nutrition

Natural HealingThe Green Tea Diet and Your Health

You never know in this world, what will turn out to be good for you. As it happens, the Green Tea Diet, or green tea more specifically has many excellent healthy benefits. Not only does t help in weight loss, but it is also thought to help many other ailments. Some ailments that this drink may help include blood cancer, mental illness, strokes, acne, cholesterol, and even helps smokers. As you can see, even if you were looking into drinking this tea to aid in weight loss, there are many other benefits that are very appealing as well.

The green tea diet is not what you might think it is. You do not have to drink only green tea and nothing else. No, instead, you combine it with your current diet plan and the edition gives you the added health benefits as well as weight-loss benefits. It tastes great both cold and hot. However, for those who do not have the time to brew or make a cup of tea, you might want to consider green tea supplements. By taking the supplements, you will still get the added benefits of green tea in your diet, but without having to drink it, for those who do not necessarily like it, or brew it, for those who lead busy lives.

Now, when it comes to losing weight, the green tea diet can be a big help. Simply by including green tea into your regular diet plan, such as the South Beach Diet, The Zone Diet, Blood Type Diet, Sugar Busters Diet, Atkins Diet, or Paleolithic diet, you get many added benefits. For example, it can increase your body's metabolism, which allows you to burn calories at a faster rate. It has also been proven to help the regulation of glucose and inhibit the absorption of fat.

In fact, for those who seem to be constantly hungry while on a diet, and most of us do, green tea is thought to actually decrease hunger and appetite. Additionally, most of us ingest a large amount of calories each morning, trying to get our caffeine fix. Our favorite choices such as frappucinno, dappa, mocha, and even coffee are packed with calories. Green tea is delicious and easy on the caloric intake.

So why not benefit your overall health, lose weight, and give your diet that extra boost? As mentioned in the early part of this article, you never really know what is good for you in this world, isn't it great to know that something as delicious as green tea can actually benefit your health?

About the Author

Lee Dobbins writes for where you can learn more about different types of tea and tea accessories.

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Natural Remedy Info

Natural RemedyVisualise Your Health And Fitness Goals

"How do I get fitter, healthier, amd more energised?"

A question, in my job, I get asked most days.

Most people though have no clear vision of the new them.

They don't set goals.

They don't take time to sit and contemplate on how they
want to be.

This very often leads to people giving up on physical
activity and saying,

"Exercise isn't for me!"

Initially full of gusto, training four or five times
a week, they try and do everything at once.

However, with no specific vision to lead them, with
muddled (or no) goals, they soon tire of their new
regime and revert back to old ways.

The result of this?

They never get to experience the long term benefits
of physical activity which is a total shame!


My advice to clients is to forget the actual physical
aspects and first gain a clear target to aim for.

Often, for example, the target is weight loss.


I then often advise people to, on a daily basis,
sit down and picture themselves as they would
LIKE to be.

If, on the other hand, they want to be a better
runner I advise them to first see themselves AS
that better runner, that new and improved version
of themselves!

The whole idea is to get a crystal clear image of
the goal and then add focused intention to this
image that ultimately translates into physical


Try this easy to perform exercise to get focused
on, and excited about, your fitness goal now.

Learn to add LIFE to your goals in your mind BEFORE
you even take physical action.

1. Sit (or lie) somewhere peaceful.

2. Bring deep breathing into play. Place your hands on your belly and perform five deep breaths. Feel

yourself become calm and focused. Your eyes are closed.

3. Bring into your mind your goal. Initially see it lifeless and without energy.

4. Hold this image in your mind and start to add breathing into the equation. As you inhale see this image become more vibrant. Breathe colour and vitality into this image.

5. View yourself as having achieved the goal and become excited about how actually achieving it will feel. Allow your breathing to be the catalyst for this change in your mind. You are literally adding LIFE to what was, initially, a dormant image.

6. Having breathed life into this image for, say, five minutes slowly open your eyes and EXPERIENCE the energy that will help to propel you towards your target!


Do not rush your fitness and health goals.

It almost always ends in frustration.

Take a little time to learn how to harness your
breath to bring images to life, become focused
like never before, and then you will be primed to
achieve the SPECIFIC goal you have in your mind.

(c) Tim Webb 2006

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Better Health, Laser Like Concentration, And Alleviation
Of Stress And Anxiety?

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