Sunday, September 07, 2008

Wheatgrass Juicers Reviews and info

Natural SupplementsConsume Super Foods for Super Health and Disease Prevention

Copyright 2006 Frank Mangano

We all know that when it comes to nutrition, all foods are not made the same. Whole wheat flour is better than white flour, almonds are more nutritionally sound than peanuts, and grilling is a much healthier alternative form of cooking than frying.

When it comes to what we put in our bodies, we ought to be aiming for what the Man of Steel eats on a regular basis?super foods.

Super foods are not new to the marketplace. In fact, you may have lots of super foods in your pantry or refrigerator at this moment. What is new, however, is the realization of just how ?super? these foods really are for our health and well-being through independent studies by health experts.

Super foods by definition are foods that are nutritionally dense, high in fiber and are believed to fight disease and increase longevity. And not surprisingly, most super foods are the ones you?ll find in nature that don?t require any kind of processing or refining. Take berries, for example. Every berry is considered ?super? but a study done on blueberries and strawberries properties elicited some exciting results for berry lovers.

The study, published in the journal of Neurobiology and Aging, used 60 different rats and divided the rats into three groups. One group was fed strawberry extract, and the other was fed blueberry extract. The third was the control group and was not fed any berry extract. The rats were then released to run through a water maze, but not before they were exposed to a radioactive iron source which was meant to simulate age-related cognitive decline. After the run through was completed, results revealed that the control group showed significant impairment in learning ability, while the groups of rats that ate berry extract showed a resistance to cognitive decline.

While scientists who performed the study say more testing needs to be done, this study suggests that consuming berries protects the brain from radiation damage and decline in learning ability.

It?s believed that the chemical responsible for blueberries? superpower is anthocyanin?what gives blueberries their color and may also play a role in their antioxidant activity. Blueberries, according to the USDA Human Research Center, are ranked #1 in antioxidant activity when compared to 40 other fruits and vegetables (Antioxidants help rid the body of cancer-causing free radicals).

Berries aren?t the only super foods with super properties. Just as Superman?s powers aren?t relegated solely to super speed or super strength, each super food brings with it its own special power:

Avocados?Avocados do have a considerable amount of fat in them, but the right kind of fat. Like olive oil, avocados have healthy amounts of monounsaturated fat which help lower ?bad? cholesterol levels (LDL) while raising the ?good? ones (HDL). Avocados are also great to combine with other foods as its properties help the body absorb nutrients from other nutrient-dense foods (like lycopene found in tomatoes, for example).

Beans? The old school days song of beans being good for your heart is true, thanks to the high amounts of betaine found in them. In addition, beans also have high amounts of lutein, which won?t bring x-ray vision, but will help in protecting your eyes from sunlight.

Dark Chocolate?Believe it or not, chocolate, the dark variety, can help lower blood pressure and improve blood flow. The special power dark chocolate has lies in its flavonoids, a type of anti-oxidant. Even though flavonoids are found in apples, tea, onions and peanuts, research indicates that dark chocolate has the highest level of flavonoids. That doesn?t mean you should go out and eat it to your heart?s delight, but you no longer need to attach ?guilty? with the ?pleasure? you?ll get out of eating moderate portions of dark chocolate each week.

Oats?Eating raw oats isn?t exactly an appetizing meal, but they?re quite appetizing in oatmeal. Oats are a great source of vitamins and minerals, have a low glycemic index level, are high in fiber, low in sugar and have been proven to reduce blood cholesterol levels.

This is just a partial list of the super foods that can bring you a life of abundant health. Remember: Eating exorbitant amounts of almonds or blueberries does not equal more health. As with all things, moderation is key.

Frank Mangano is a natural health expert and best selling author who teaches you how to dramatically improve your health naturally, without expensive and potentially dangerous prescription drugs. To learn more, visit one of the most comprehensive and reliable sources of natural health information on the web:

Wheatgrass JuicersSeven Ways Wheatgrass Helps Your Body

Wed, 22 Mar 2006 19:54:36 EST
Wheatgrass has gained popularity in the last several years, and the wheatgrass cure has been around since Dr. Ann Wigmore (1909-1994) promoted it as a miracle cure over four decades ago after ...

Wheatgrass Juicers DiscussionGoji Goji Berries Lycium Barbarum

Low Metabolism - Metabolism can be linked to
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compared with fat.
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Goji Goji Berries Lycium Barbarum

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Comvita Manuka Honey Information

Our thoughts on Comvita Manuka HoneyInfluenza/Flu

Recently, the USDA retired the old Food Guide Pyramid and replaced it with MyPyramid, a new symbol and �interactive food guidance system. This revision is basically the old Pyramid turned on its side.
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Other Herbal Superfoods

Physically, symptoms can range from light, as in headache, fatigue, and slight abdominal swelling, to severe, as in migraines, severe cramping, and an inability to function normally. Emotionally, you may experience symptoms relating to anxiety (irritability, irrational crying, or emotional swings), depression (withdrawn, fearful, or altered libido), cravings (for sweets, dairy, or alcohol), and fluid retention (headache, breast tenderness, abdominal bloating, and weight gain).

I can tell you that although doctors still have not determined the exact cause of PMS, they agree that hormones and neuro-chemical changes within the brain are prime suspects. Estrogen hormones, for example, can contribute to increased brain activity, retention of salt, and drops in blood sugar, because it has a central neurological effect on the brain.
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Other Herbal Superfoods

Liver Conditions

� Prepare your meat either by baking, grilling or broiling rather than frying. Take the skin off chicken before eating. Eat fish at least once a week.
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Liver Conditions

Comvita Manuka HoneyHoodia Diet: Safe And Easy


Hoodia Diet: Safe And Easy

Submitted By: M K Shabi Guptha iSnare Expert Author [See Author?s Biography]

Before the diet craze started when people simply want to become as thin as their celebrity idols weight gain was a socialite's problem. Nowadays it has turned into a serious health problem as obesity has become rampant in not just adults but also teenagers. It has affected all ages, even children. With every fast food chain conveniently placed in every block people find it harder to control their cravings. Fortunately there is a new diet pill that will people loose weight in a simple way. Hoodia diet is latest popular trend to surface today, but is it safe?

Several diet trends have come and gone. Most of these become famous due to celebrity patrons. Unfortunately not all of us have the money or a personal chef to prepare our meals. Most of us don't have the privilege of having the time in our hands. The internet is also a host to scams and frauds. With so many people desperate to loose weight anyone can come up with the next best thing with an alluring website.

Fortunately scientists have come up with a better way to loose weight. More often than not the food is not the main problem but the person. An individual's eating lifestyle is the primary cause.

Just stop eating.

Hoodia gordonii is a plant in South Africa which is made into the most popular diet pills today. The locals use it to treat infection and indigestion. In America it is used as a weight loss supplement. The diet pills work by naturally suppressing the appetite of an individual. If you have problems with eating and gaining weight then why not stop eating at all?

The pill basically works by tricking the brain and making the individual feel full. It works in the satiety center located in the hypothalamus. It releases a chemical compound that acts on the hypothalamus which signals to the brain that it has eaten enough.

This way the individual will be able to eat less and control his cravings. Less food intake means fewer calories to burn. You don't have to follow recipes and prepare meals. You don't have to calculate portions and calorie intake. All you have to do is take a pill and you won't become hungry the rest of the day.

You don't need to exercise your willpower and carve for carbohydrates and sweets. You don't have to prepare pint sized meals from the food pyramid. You don't have to force yourself from eating blanch foods.

The pill is made from a plant which makes it 100% natural. It's not chemically formulated unlike other drug supplements. It does not contain ephedra, caffeine and other stimulants. It does not have any side effects and works naturally in your body. Original products prove to be effective in reducing weight.

The diet pill has been featured in several television shows such as Oprah, BBC, The Today Show and 60 minutes. Studies and testimonials have proven that it does work.

If you want a safer and less hassle way of loosing weight Hoodia diet pills is for you. Made from a natural ingredient, it will not produce harmful effects on your body just for the sake of burning those fats. Nature still provides us with the best answers why not take advantage of that?

About the Author:

Author sites: Daily Health Tips , Daily Tips and Travel Tips

Article Tags: diet, pill, weight

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Mucoid Plaque for health

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Recent research shows that the diets of most women including teenage girls and menopausal women lead to a serious lack of calcium and magnesium that weakens their bone structure. Lack of exercise and smoking also contributes to the rate of bone loss.

Postmenopausal women whose diets were supplemented with calcium citrate lost less bone than women who took calcium carbonate or no calcium, and in women who were seven or more years past menopause, bone mineral density actually increased in the important weight bearing leg and thigh bones. Magnesium is also deficient in the diets of 67% to 85% of women. Postmenopausal women need magnesium supplementation since they do not absorb magnesium efficiently. LifeTime Liquid Calcium Citrate with Vitamin D is an excellent mineral formula that is highly absorbable, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

These two important minerals are often combined into one convenient product. Such combinations are a practical way to prevent or treat myriad ailments, from back pain and perimenopause to PMS and endometriosis. While there is little to distinguish one calcium/magnesium product from another, it's smart to take a combination that includes different forms of the key minerals (such as calcium citrate, carbonate, and malate; and magnesium citrate, aspartate, and glycinate) as insurance that at least one will get absorbed into your system and do its work.

For more details: Lifetime Vitamins

About the Author

Herbs and Nutrition Analyst

Our thoughts on Mucoid PlaqueGift Certificates

Here again, someone says it better than I can. Another reader makes a good point based on experience:

"Why would H/care be exempt from the global marketplace? Health care services are a product that is consumed by consumers (patients). Accordingly, patients will shop for services. Consumerism in health care has been a long time coming. For instance, my family went to Colombia to get dental work done for a fraction of what it would cost here, and we managed to add in a vacation. Now the one thing to consider, is what if there are complications, is the company going to fly the employee back to resolve the complication? (Probably not)."

Actually, I don't blame the patients for taking advantage of better deals in other countries. Your trip to Colombia sounds like a marvelous combination of business and pleasure, although I wonder if your vacation wasn't affected by the dental work! Still, you ask a great question at the end, and while I'd suppose it depends on the company and the agreement worked out in advance, another reader makes this excellent point:
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Gift Certificates

Wheatgrass Growing Kit - Pro 18 Trays with Juicer - �45.99

The second kind of high blood pressure, secondary hypertension, is caused by some other medical disorder such as kidney disease. If your doctor can treat the underlying condition successfully, secondary hypertension will often disappear.
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Wheatgrass Growing Kit - Pro 18 Trays with Juicer - �45.99

Acai Powder

Start slow, build up slowly, but keep on doing it and you will reap the rewards of a regular exercise program.
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Acai Powder


Dr Wheatgrass Antioxidant Skin Spray Reviews and information

Natural RemedyCalifornia Residents - Why Health Insurance Is Important

Are you a California resident? If you are, are you currently covered by health insurance? California is filled with a large number of residents who are actually not. If you are currently without health insurance, you will want to look into getting it, as health insurance may have an important impact on your life, your heath, as well as your finances.

When it comes to health insurance, California residents often wonder how it can have an impact on their finances. While a large number of uninsured individuals try to avoid seeking medical attention, whenever possible, there are some instances where it cannot be avoided. Whether you suffer a serious injury that needs medical attention or come down with a cold that just won?t go away, you may need to see a doctor or even visit the emergency room. Should you do so while not having insurance; you will be responsible for all of your medical costs. As you likely already know, this can be quite costly. There are a large number of individuals who go into debt each year and a good portion of that debt is from unpaid medical bills. Having health insurance will prevent this from happening to you.

Concerning health insurance, California residents, at least many, are curious as to how it can help to improve their health. As it was mentioned above, there are some instances where you need to seek medical help, regardless of whether or not you have health insurance. California residents, particularly those without medical insurance, try and avoid seeking medical attention, at all costs. While many end up giving in and seeking medical attention, there are still a large number who can successfully hold off seeking treatment; however, it is important to know what could be happening to your body. There are certain illnesses and injuries that can?t fix themselves. By avoiding medical treatment, you may have a difficult time healing and you may be putting your body and your health at an even greater risk.

As it was previously mentioned, not having health insurance could be costly. However, there are many California residents who think that it is too much to buy health insurance. California residents who assume this are often making a costly mistake and you are advised against being one of them. Yes, health insurance can be fairly expensive, but the good news is that there are a number of health insurance companies or plans for you to choose from. Examining a number of plans and requesting health insurance quotes is a great way to find affordable health insurance. California residents who take the time to request and compare multiple health insurance quotes are actually surprised with the amount of money they can save on otherwise expensive health insurance.

To get started, you will want to start researching and examining California health insurance. California is full of a number of health insurance companies, like Blue Cross Blue Shield, and others, all of which tend to offer multiple insurance plans to California residents just like you.

Evie Newsome is a writer for Every Health Plan . com where you will discover a wealth of resources about href="">Health Insurance California and other related information.

News on Dr Wheatgrass Antioxidant Skin SprayAcai Powder - Freeze Dried Acai

A number of researchers have discovered that the levels of toxins in the body rises as more fat is manufactured to protect it, and it has been found that weight gain is a natural occurrence because of toxins building up in the body. So by removing the toxins you are allowing your body to release the excess fat that you have gained and this results in natural weight loss.

Although there are many detox programs on the market today, it is better that you only choose one after you have carried out extensive research on the subject. There are some programs that also include a parasite remover as well as being able to remove toxins from the body.
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Acai Powder - Freeze Dried Acai


1) Clinton's great overview of key comparative data:

* 16 vs 10-11: % GDP spent on health care in the US vs. other industrialized countries. This percentage difference equals around $800 billion annually!
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