Wednesday, April 02, 2008

A blog about Ecozone Washing Balls

General HealthHow To Prepare a Raw Food Diet

Going raw don't sound that bad at all. The raw diet, as its name implies, is based on eating all-natural foods that are unprocessed and plant-based that should least be 75 percent uncooked. Raw and living foods contain essential food enzymes - raw nuts, fruits, and various varieties of beans are just few examples of raw food. It is believed that these enzymes help us digest foods completely, without relying on our body to produce its own cocktail of digestive enzymes.

Followers of the raw diet use particular techniques like sprouting seeds, grains and beans; soaking nuts and dried fruits; and juicing
fruits and vegetables. A dehydrator is the only cooking equipment allowed for use. This equipment blows hot air through the food but never reaches a temperature higher than 116?F. Other techniques needed to prepare raw food are blending, juicing and chopping.

So if you are thinking of following this all-natural diet, here are a few tips to follow.

1. Planning Meals: It takes careful planning to follow a raw food diet, balance your meals and don't miss out on essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. To make up for the nutrients that you can't get from raw food, it is suggested that you take dietary supplements.

2. Equipment Needed: Invest in some appliances to maximize the benefits of the raw diet.

* Juice extractor: for your fruits and vegetables
* Blender: to crush and blend ingredients
* Food processor: to save time and effort with chopping vegetables or nuts.
* Large containers: for soaking the sprout grains, seeds and beans
* Glass jars or Tupperware: for storing sprouts and other foods

It is thought that the cooking process destroys vitamins and minerals and that cooked foods not only take longer to digest, but they also allow partially digested fats, proteins and carbohydrates to clog up our gut and arteries.
Followers of a raw diet cite numerous health benefits, including increased energy levels, improved appearance of skin, improved digestion, and weight loss. Clearly a raw food diet has many benefits.

About the Author

Callie Armstrong is a writer for Her insights on dieting, exercise and health can be read at

Ecozone Washing BallsBest green laundry detergents -

Thu, 27 Mar 2008 10:08:28 GMT

Best green laundry detergents, UK - Mar 27, 2008
However, despite numerous phone calls and emails, Ecozone has not given us any information on what exactly the balls are made from, how green -- or ...

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