Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Lets talk about Hemp Protein Shake

Natural RemedyNatural Nutritional Supplements: Starting Kids Off On A Healthy Path

If you?re like many Americans, you probably went through your childhood with an attitude that was rather naive when it came to the topic of vitamins and/or nutritional supplements.

Sure, you might have heard a relative mention them once in a while (?I loaded up on vitamin C when I got that cold last winter!?), but you didn?t think about the implications for you. Instead, you dived into your fast food with delight, unknowingly creating ticking time bombs which were set to go off sometime later in your adulthood.

It?s time to stop such limited thinking and embrace what we have come to learn beyond a shadow of a doubt - substance and quality does matter? and that goes tenfold for what we put into our bodies. Without proper nutritional supplements and dietary control, we are simply playing a game of Russian roulette with our most precious possession. And with childhood obesity, cancer, and diabetes at an all-time high, it?s time to do something.

Introducing Kids to Good Health

Of course, it?s fine to pay ?lip service? to the need for kids to learn about nutritional supplementation for health benefits. But how do you really introduce a youngster to the notion that he or she must put down the bag of potato chips or the spoonful of full-fat ice cream? How do you ?sell? them on the benefits of nutritional supplements as a key to a long, healthful life?

Obviously, the secret is to start children off on the right foot as early as possible. Even as infants, kids are finely attuned to every step their guardians take. Hence, if Mommy takes nutritional supplements on a regular basis, Baby is likely to pick up on the importance of the pills or vitamins, too. (In fact, many kids eagerly await the day when they can join in!) And if Daddy meticulously avoids piling on the greasy or highly fattening choices offered at buffet tables and exercises at his gym regularly, Junior will probably follow suit.

It?s almost like health game of ?Monkey See, Monkey Do?? only it has incredibly important consequences because if nutritional supplementation is introduced at a young age, children are less likely to have health problems later.

Keeping on Kids

As parents know, however, it can be tough for children to stick with anything for long. Like their adult counterparts, they have a short attention span, and are notorious for going ?with the flow?. Therefore, if a peer says, ?What in the world is a nutritional supplement??, the preteen or adolescent could easily turn away from healthy choices in an effort to be liked.

This is why it?s imperative that households operate as a unit when it comes to nutritional supplements. If it becomes part of the morning or nighttime routine to take vitamin B supplements or folic acid (or even multivitamins), then everyone is more apt to continue with nutritional supplementation for life.

Remember that once habits (good or bad) are formed, they tend to stay in place? so take your child?s hand and guide him or her to the path of a long life thanks to the power of nutritional supplements.

About the Author:

Mitamins team Vitamin health and Nutritional Supplements Mitamins Health Blog Mitamins Health Forum


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