Friday, May 02, 2008

Natural Remedies Reviews and info

Topics on Natural RemediesLibido for Men

Dehydration is indicated by scanty, dark urine. Thirst is a poor indicator of whether or not you have had enough to drink. If you become severely dehydrated you may need 24 to 48 hours to totally replace the loss. To combat severe dehydration sip on an enjoyable beverage until your urine is pale yellow like lemonade. Fruit juices, smoothies and milk shakes are better than sport drinks. It is better to drink orange juice than Gatorade. Orange juice has much more potassium.
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Libido for Men

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Understanding the puzzle is essential for any treatment strategy to be effective. It is not enough just to accept the treatment without understanding WHY you are accepting the treatment.

However, understanding the cause and how the therapy relates to a proposed cure, is an extremely potent combination and will facilitate the therapy to have a much more powerful, long-term and deep effect on the cause of your condition instead of the continual daily battle against the symptoms

In my next article I will be looking in even more detail at reflexes, immunological effects, connective tissues, and the body's transport systems in relation to MLD, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and its treatment.
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Certified Organic Spirulina Tablets - 500mg x 250

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