Friday, December 19, 2008

Holistic article

Maca Diaries: Week Three (and a recipe for maca mocha)

Thu, 23 Oct 2008 22:34:38 EDT
For those who have a hard time taking the powder, this could be a great possibility. ... They also sent a Cocoa Maca Loco, smoothie mix which has raw maca, cocoa beans, lucuma (a sweet dried fruit) and a "nautral mineral rich cane juice"....


Sat, 08 Nov 2008 15:48:00 EDT
... taken myself off all fruit ‘for health reasons’, I was simultaneously filling myself compulsively with toxic refined sugars. ... cups energy soup with okra on the side, followed by a little hand-blended yumpot of hazelnut butter with lucuma powder, buckwheaties, maca powder and carob powder...

Food Processing - Peruvian favorite.(From The Bench; Lucuma fruit flavoring from Elipse Co. Inc.)(Brief Article)

Sat, 01 Nov 2003 08:00:00 GMT
November 1, 2003 -- Peruvian culture is steeped in traditions rich with fine foods and cultural culinary delights. The Lucuma fruit, part of the Sapotaceae family and...

It is or is not on the menu

Tue, 14 Oct 2008 10:17:56 EDT
According to the article, the fresh-fruit smoothie establishment "happily obliges" when its customers "ask for their favorite candy in liquid form . ... cocoa powder (adjust based on the amount of chocolate rocks* you add) 1 tsp. lucuma powder 1 tsp. mesquite powder 1/2 tsp....


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