Friday, October 03, 2008

Did you hear of Holistic Remedies

Holistic RemediesHealth Food for Healthy Living

Health is more precious than gold. That is why you have to start living a healthy live by eating healthy foods. Pick up the food according to your body?s needs. Do not wait any more!

People tend to connect healthy foods only with fruits and vegetables. Actually healthy foods connected with body?s needs. It does not mean that we can not eat meat because meat can give more fat.

I think it sounds nice or even relieving because a meat lover can still eat his/her favorite food?

Basically healthy foods depend on choosing the right ingredient and the right cooking way. Healthy foods can be tasty too!

Here are the examples:

1.Eat non-fat meat, or at least throw away the fat.

2.Use unsalted butter and olive oil to fry.

3.Replace rice with red rice because the carbohydrate in red rice is lower and it has higher Protein and Vitamin B.

4.Avoid fried food. Steaming, boiling and baking are better choices.

Every people have different needs of food depend on their height and weight, sex, age and activity. As a basic rule, pay attention to the balance of carbohydrate, protein and fat intake. Human body needs 10%-15% protein, 20%-30% fat and the rest is carbohydrate.

If you eat too much protein, it will increase the risk of renal function damage and osteoporosis. Fatty food is also not to be avoided totally. It has to be eaten in the suggested amount. Fruits are good for our digestion system and have good ability to carry toxin from our body.

Let?s start the healthy living! It still can be done in a convenient way.

Ally Wied of The


Balancing Healthy Living with Happy Eating

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