Friday, September 12, 2008

Did you hear of Natural Supplements

Gold in the soil - Asheville Citizen-Times

Sun, 31 Aug 2008 04:29:52 GMT

Gold in the soil
Asheville Citizen-Times, NC - Aug 30, 2008
Remedies from native plants have a long tradition in the mountains, but now more baby boomers are taking herbs like echinacea, ginseng and black cohosh, ...

Natural Bee Sting Remedies

Thu, 11 Sep 2008 07:31:31 EDT
Lavender will stop the itching and reduce the swelling. Make a sting poultice by mixing 1 tbsp. of echinacea, a tbsp. of distilled water and 1/8 tsp. of lavender essential oil. Add liquid slowly to the 1 tbsp. of bentonite clay while stirring. ... You can also neutralize the allergic reaction to the bite or sting, which is caused by formic acid by using 1 tsp. of yellow dock leaf tincture and 2 tsp. of baking soda....

da hood

Fri, 12 Sep 2008 13:12:22 EDT
Oddly within reach of tincture of echinacea (a reasonable 10. 99) there are Oreos....

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