Saturday, July 05, 2008

Natural Healing discussion

Reviews of Raw FoodsGift Certificates

The greatest benefit you can enjoy from having a vitamin-rich diet is that your body will able to digest the vitamins found in the foods you eat in its purest and natural form. Although vitamin supplements are still beneficial to your health, they are however not as effective as those found in fruits and vegetables.
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Gift Certificates

Respiratory Health

Bulimia nervosa (sometimes just called bulimia) is an eating disorder in which a person eats a lot of food in a short period of time (binges) and then tries to get rid of the food to prevent weight gain (purges). They may purge by vomiting or by using laxatives to make the food leave their system faster so less of it gets absorbed.
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Respiratory Health

Dr Wheatgrass Supershots 150ml

What she knows, that the others don't know, is that your Heart Rate is a dead accurate indicator of just how hard your body is working. This is the best way to make sure that you are exercising vigorously enough to improve your fitness level but not so hard as to overexert yourself.
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Dr Wheatgrass Supershots 150ml

Better Nutrition - Are raw foods a raw deal?

Wed, 01 Dec 2004 08:00:00 GMT
December 1, 2004 -- One of the fastest rising diet trends seems to be hot, although the temperature in the kitchen is not. Previously popular only among those at the...

Poor oral health affects billions worldwide

Wed, 02 Jul 2008 09:05:35 EDT
Dental cavities and periodontal (gum) disease are the two most common oral diseases, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Gum diseases include gingivitis (inflammati...

Guarana Powder- 125g
Ecozone Magno Fuel - Save Petrol!



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