Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Recent information on Superfood Supplements

Superfood Supplements TopicsEchinacea Powder

Given their worldwide recognition as experts in the area of health and fitness, it�s not surprising that ab-information.com receives hundreds of questions each week on the topic of abdominal training. The following are the most common questions on developing six-pack abs that we answer of a weekly basis.
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Echinacea Powder

Wheatgrass Skin Care

- Vitamin E, the "love" vitamin:

As scientists and ancient civilizations have found, vitamin E is one of the most important vitamins one should consume daily. Since vitamin E protects the blood cells and directly affects the sexual activity and the fecundity of a person, it is also known as the "fertility vitamin" and is recommended by physicians to treat the reproductive organs' malfunctions of males worldwide. Nuts, olive oil and avocado are great resources of vitamin E, and one should consume approximately 15 mg a day of these types of food.
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Wheatgrass Skin Care

Yerba Mate Leaf

First of all what is an Acid or for that matter an Alkaline substance? These substances are measured on a pH scale with water being neutral at 7.0. With values less than 7.0 being acid and the lower the pH value the stronger the acid. As you may have guessed alkaline (or base) substances have a value greater than 7.0 up to a maximum of 14. By now you may be wondering where our bodies should fall on this scale. First of all when we speak of an acid/alkaline balance in the body we are talking about the pH balance of our blood and tissues that should remain in a fairly narrow range of about 7.4 � slightly alkaline.
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Yerba Mate Leaf



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