Wednesday, April 09, 2008

A blog about Raw Diets

Our thoughts on Raw DietsDryer Balls / Fabric Softener

Without going into too much detail about the science behind it, we all know that the human body is made up of varied types of cells, which, in turn, are composed of molecules. These molecules consist of atoms of single or multiple elements. All of these are held together by chemical bonds. The chain reaction caused by free radicals helps decompose many substances, especially at high temperatures, but this is not necessarily a great situation for our bodies. These reactions can cause damage to our skin.

Detrimental effects of free radicals

So what type of damage can we expect from free radicals? Our cell membranes are made of unsaturated lipids. These lipids are highly susceptible to the damaging nature of free radicals. Free radicals are known to cause oxidative damage, which can lead to a hardening of our lipid cell membranes. Once the lipids harden, the cells will not be able to properly acquire nutrients.
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Dryer Balls / Fabric Softener

Digestive and Bowel Health

7. Choose low glycemic load carbohydrates for optimum blood sugar control.

Diets with high glycemic loads (such as refined white flour and heavily processed foods or high sugar foods) cause your blood sugar levels to spike and then drop below normal. This yo-yo effect causes all sorts of problems for your mood and appetite - the perfect recipe for cravings.
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Digestive and Bowel Health

Raw DietsTop Internet Dieting Resources

Dieting is a principal health topic in the U.S. and rightfully so. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, almost two thirds of American adults (age 20 years and older) qualify as overweight. That's slightly over 127 million people, sixty million of whom qualify as obese, or seriously overweight. It's a major problem for our population - and therefore, naturally, a major topic on the Internet.

There are dozens of sites that are more or less informative on the issues of weight loss and dieting and dozens more that pitch one diet program or another, or provide commercial content on several diets. There's lots of money being devoted to web advertising to steer you to one diet or another, many of which have become names familiar in most households.

Of the informative sources, perhaps the most thorough on the issue of weight is the American Obesity Association ( which treats the affliction as a disease and has extensive educational material available. Wikipedia ( does an excellent job discussing the basics of dieting. Their material addresses types of diets (as opposed to brands); the relationship of exercise and dieting; how calories are counted and how they work; and some of the dangers inherent in misguided attempts at dieting.

Diets are also the core of a major American industry. Millions are spent annually on specialty diet programs - on books, prepared food programs, and hands-on therapy that involve both diet and exercise. If you're looking for an analysis of the online resources for dieting, there's a fairly extensive body of material at The title itself illustrates the mercenary nature of most diet web sites; however it's a place to start if you want to learn about the more popular online diet programs. provides recommendations on programs, rankings based on popularity, and lots of content on the ancillary items such as workout plans and calorie counters. It is unclear, however, what criteria their recommendations are based on: it could be advertising, or it could be truly objective analysis. Given the title of the site, it may be a combination of the two.

An openly commercial site that provides comparisons of fourteen online diet programs can be found at While it's clear that the programs found there paid for positioning, it provides you with an opportunity for some quick comparisons of diet program models.

In November the Department of Health and Human Services in conjunction with the FDA, announced two online tools to assist consumers in dieting. The tools are Make Your Calories Count, a Web-based learning program, and a new Nutrition Facts Label brochure. These tools combine an online diet program with a detailed explanation of how to use the nutritional facts posted on every food item sold publicly. It is the government's attempt at countering the rising tide of obesity in this country and it is possibly the only truly cost-free program you'll find online. You can find the details at

For an overall look at the health issues and diet programs, there is a good list of specific sites found at This page contains a list of web sites that are mostly products of government agencies or non-profit organizations. The sites address particular issues such as types of fats; nutrition guides and includes archival resources on dietary management.

There is a vast amount of information online about nutrition and dieting. There are also vast numbers of online diet programs, of various designs, that are paid services. If you are interested in an online diet and exercise program, choosing among them is the second biggest challenge you will face. The number one challenge, of course, will be mustering up the discipline to follow it.

Madison Lockwood is a customer relations associate for She brings years of experience as a small business consultant to helping prospective clients understand the ways in which a website may benefit them both personally and professionally. Apollo Hosting provides website hosting, ecommerce hosting, vps hosting, and web design services to a wide range of customers. Established in 1999, Apollo prides itself on the highest levels of customer support.

Raw DietsIndependent on Sunday, The - The raw meat diet: do you have the stomach for the latest celebrity

Sun, 12 Jun 2005 07:00:00 GMT
June 12, 2005 -- Cavemen may have thought nothing of eating the raw flesh of a slaughtered animal, but things have progressed since. Boiled, baked, griddled and...

The animal protein in our diets can have a high environmental cost (Science News)

Fri, 04 Apr 2008 20:19:30 GMT
"Can Meat and Fish Consumption Be Sustainable?" That's the provocative title of a press release just sent to us by the Worldwatch Institute, a small but venerable think tank that focuses on natural resource issues.

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